Small wheel big effect - the Linde Steer Control
27 Jun 2022
Expert talk with Frank Bergmann and Otto Lindenborn
The biggest highlight at WoMH is definitely the Linde Steer Control. People are queuing to testdrive the trucks featuring a mini-wheel or joystick instead of a normal steering wheel.
I cut the lines and manage to talk to product manager Frank Bergmann about the history of ergonomic innovations from Linde: the double pedal, the Linde Load Control for the mast functions and now the groundbreaking Linde Steer Control. The new steering concept reduces the operator’s arm movements thus preventing fatigue and one-sided strain.
Meanwhile Luis meets up with Otto Lindenborn, the engineer behind this highlight to talk about the technical challenges of this steer-by-wire technology that that had to be delt with in the development.